Sunday, October 17, 2010


We all love newborns, their smell, their sounds, their tiny feet and hands....
Well let me tell you that I've had some trouble photographing them!
My biggest problems come from posed shots.  I am not good at them.  Posing is definitely an art within itself, and now add that to a tiny little person, that has no control over their position, and wow.  I've been begging everyone with a newborn to let me shoot their baby!  haha

I will be a tad bit honest.  Babies scare me.  Yes, I've had 3 children and each of them were a tad over 7 lbs at birth, I've dealt with the ins and outs of a newborn, but having and handling your own child, is totally different then another.  With  your own newborn, you can throw them over your shoulder with one hand while giving the other child a bath, while folding laundry with your feet, but with others newborns, you treat them as if they would break in a million pieces if you moved them 3 centimeters in any direction.

Then there is the issue of skin tone.  Babies are wonderful, newborns are precious, but they do not have the prettiest skin, yet in a photo, the parents want to show the world their newest edition in a positive light.  Newborns just seem to absorb every color around them, if you put them on a blue blanket, they will look blue, a black backdrop and they pick up a red tone.  So, I need more practice with these clients.  It is a bit hard to say to someone, hey can I experiment on your newborn?  :)  Usually that offer is not so well received.

Also, as you can see, none of my newborns are sleeping or naked.  I don't know what it is, but sleeping naked newborn photos kind of creep me out.  I admit that some are cute, but I'm glad if my baby is awake and eyes are making some sort of connection with something (even though most of the time it is not the camera). It just gives them the life appearance. 

So enjoy my practice subjects!  They all get an A+ for effort and I hope I at least captured one photo that is shareable!  I admire all newborn photographers, they are truly special artist.


  1. These are great infant shots! Found you over at Tanyetta's blog.

  2. Yes! Thank You for not taking any nude photos of the babies! They freak me out too! LOL

    These are some great shots. I totally agree with the baby "acne" problems when it comes to newborns. They're still new and change overnight!

    I completely agree with this part too:

    ****With your own newborn, you can throw them over your shoulder with one hand while giving the other child a bath, while folding laundry with your feet, but with others newborns, you treat them as if they would break in a million pieces if you moved them 3 centimeters in any direction.****

